Here I am~~
God is moving but u already knew that rite? =P
My battery is insane! I switched on my camera and auto play my photos and it died in 3 mins. I did it again and now its 1:20 a.m., 50 mins and still going. How do i drain the battery? O.o Insanity... Why, cos i did it yesterday till i fell asleep, don't know if it continued. The battery should be dead...
My goal has somewhat failed.. somewhat. 1 month has passed and still no six-pack, not really visible yet anyway. But its coming, its so coming.
I din know i could jog so long.. Thanks Seletyn, Carmen and Zi Xin (or something). =P I still want my mac n cheese.
1, 000 visits! Woot! Too bad I dunno who it was. #999 should be Sel (Hi Sel!), #1, 001 should be Jay (Hi Jay!). #1, 000? Its probably no one I know.. =( Some Penang dude I think.. Oh well..
pics PIcs PICS!!

And the proud owner is...

Historical moment rarely captured on (digital) film. KFC right smack in the middle of McD's! Haha!!

Yay! Krazy sky krazy colors krazyyyyyyyyy!! Wee!

Me likey skyyy!!
Ok, its late and i need to sleep. Zzz.. Nite!