~A Test~
Well, usually my blog is full of pictures and less words, so now I'll put more words and less pictures.
At least for this post. =D
I wanna talk a bit about knives.
The favorite weapon of killers in slasher flicks! Haha. That bloody, sharp, offensive... Just joking.
I'm currently about to run a test of "cutting ability". I believe that a well sharpened plain edge (the normal type of edge, which is the part u cut with) cuts tomatoes and bread better than a normal serrated edge (the type that most bread and tomato knives are, with teeth).
Anyone wants to argue?
Here are the candidates:
On top we have the RM36 IKEA 365+ Ginstra bread knife, featuring serrated edge.
And at the bottom we have the US$ 9.90 (RM 30.626 but costs me ~RM 65 after transport and tax) Kai PureKomachi2 Chef's knife, featuring plain edge hand honed by ME! Haha!
And to test, these are going to a friend who baked bread. She will use them exclusively for bread only and let me know the results! They will go out tonight!
I hope the purple one wins cos I LOVE purple! Silver is overrated! HAha!!
Feel free to debate. =D