As topic xD

Another night shot? =.=' OH YEA! Just LOVE the colors of the night. And that last bit of red disappearing down the horizon which matches the groud orange. Woot! (Click pic for bigger pic)

Lets just call this art xD (Click pic for bigger pic)

Sekolah Sri KDU! (Click pic for bigger pic)

They say a picture says a thousand words. What do u think? (Click pic for bigger pic)
Please dun kill me ya? Its not delibrate. xD 
O.o Wierdest flower ever.. (Click pic for bigger pic)
Ahh.. I haven't posted in a million years! Sorry.. That
Photobucket still not working properly.. Any1 know an easy way to convert 6 megapixels pics to 800 x 600? Thanks!
As usual: Thanks for viewing. =) And I welcome all comments and criticism. xD
1 comment:
I loled @ 2nd last pic.
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