Dear Lord, please liberate me from the evil which is Windows... Thank you! Amen!

So it starts of like this...
As i was reading this,
" On Windows you have to guess among buying XP professional, XP media center edition 2005, XP home, or Professional x64 edition. Good freaking luck! See if you can figure it out on Microsoft's selection page here. If they haven't cared to make the sales page helpful, how helpful do you think the actual product will be? That page not only is no help in figuring out which version of Windows you might need (hint: no one needs Windows), it told my wife she was running XP SP2, while in fact she's running Windows ME! Good luck, amigos! Click the link and play Redmond Roulette! "
- taken from here -
I got intrigued and clicked on this. The result is the image above. Looks like even Microsoft can't figure out that i'm using Windows XP, their (disastrous) product!!!! Even sitemeter (thats the counter for my blog) can!! How pathetic is that?
So I tot, Hey! Lets post this! So i print screen and pasted it in Microsoft Paint. Edited tho show the red oval and save! Walla! (or so I tot...)
So I started uploading... and uploading... and uploading... Whats wrong? O.o That pathetic program created a dumb .bmp file which is 2.3 Mb huge!!!! Imagine a 1024 x 768 picture being 2.3 Mb!! In case u were wondering, thats 0.8 MP. (They actually went and fully interpolated 1024 x 768 x 3 colors (RGB) and din bother to compress anything) My camera is 6 MP and it makes files smaller than that!! (Its about 2Mb per pic at its highest and 800kb for most of what i shoot) Its unthinkable and only done by the great wonder which is Windows. Of course, I fixed everything with Picasa2. Thank you Google!
- End of rant -
Can't wait till the day I get a Mac and OSX. All these rantings will be ancient history. Thank you God for providing a Mac! (Pray pray pray believe believe believe!!!!) =P
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