I need to post more...

Its art. So get over it.


A. Jo, if u somehow manage to get here, this is the internals of your microwave. =P Thanks to Rach for the idea.

Big fat clear full moon. Argh! I need the 400mm f/2.8 lens! xD 600mm f/5.6 would do nicely too. Or anything with good optics. I can't capture any detail of the moon at all (yes i tried).
Well, by now u should know the click pic to see bigger pic drill and i'm getting lazy =P
someone's back from blogging holiday. hehe. more pictures, more!
Yay! Haha.. But my cam is with my fren now.. >.<
wat lar u. why so nice wan, lend ur precious to ur fren?
I can't help it that I'm so nice. Lol.
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